Experience works. If you or someone you love was injured in a motorcycle crash, call us today for a free case evaluation and to learn about your options.
Areas of Practice
Motorcycles can be great fun and great danger. Many drivers look straight at a motorcyclist and don’t see them, resulting in frequent motorcycle accidents.
Arizona law does not require a motorcycle helmet unless the operator is under the age of 18. Most adult motorcyclists cite discomfort and inconvenience as their reasons for not wearing a helmet and many Arizonans are opposed to a law requiring helmets for two reasons: it imposes on personal freedom and the law may be used to limit or any recovery to injured motorcyclists.
Helmet or not, injuries to motorcyclists tend to be far more extensive that injuries to car riders. Understanding and pulling together all of the available information and experts dos upper the case is essential in a motorcycle crash, where the motorcyclist may have suffered a head injury and have little to no recollection of the crash self.
Links to check out:
Arizona Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation
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